
Monday, May 23, 2011

Introducing Leesh and Lu!

My sister is joining my recipe blogging fun (the blog name has changed, so keep following)! Yahoo! We are both way excited to work on this blog together. Our goal is to have our families' favorite recipes all in one spot and to also share them with our family and friends.

I asked Leesh to write up a intro about herself. And since I never really formally introduced myself, I'll do that too!

Leesh & Lu

About Leesh:
I am a Utah girl at heart, but currently living in Oklahoma and adjusting to life without mountains. I have a sweet hubby, who is my guinea pig in the kitchen, and the sweetest blue-eyed little boy. I love to eat. If I am not eating, I am most likely thinking about what I will eat next. I don't understand people who can forget to eat a meal. It doesn't make sense. I love pickles. Dill pickles. I am persnickety about the temperature of certain foods I eat, e.g. raisins taste better cold, olives are not to be eaten warm, etc. My favorite restaurant is Red Robin. I love trying new things--both in the kitchen and in life. If I had to pick a favorite food it would probably be bread...breadsticks, rolls, bagels, is delicious in all its forms. Lu is definitely at the top of my favorite people list and I am excited to help her with this blog to have a collection of our families' favorite recipes.

About Lu:
My current job title as my husband likes to call it, is a Domestic Engineer (yes, I've even wrote it as my occupation on applications, etc.) I am a wife to the coolest and sweetest husband there is around, who I might add, is an excellent cook. I am also the mother of the two sweetest kiddos in the world. I love to cook, bake and dream about food. Food is what keeps us all alive. I love making it. I love tasting it. I love smelling it. And I love eating the best of it. I like most food. However, I absolutely despise watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew, and tomatoes in certain forms (e.g. on a sandwich or plain). I love cilantro and add it to almost every latin-like dish I make. I also have a love for chocolate in pretty much any form, creamy milk or extra dark. Leesh and I are excited to share what we're all about when it comes to food!

We hope you enjoy our food as much as we do!


  1. you two are too cute. and i love this blog, keep it up!

  2. Caitlyn Jenson CapenerOctober 11, 2011 at 12:22 AM

    i can't believe you guys didn't want my input on cooking!!! haha just kidding! the last time i made a dessert i broke a knife! i literally broke the blade off of the handle. it was awesome! miss you both and love you both! can't wait to try your recipes! :)
